Entrepreneurs Holdup District Development

Mayors have revealed that entrepreneurs play a big role delaying implementation of the performance contracts districts pledge when they delay to implement tenders they win.

During a provincial meeting with partners on April 26th 2012 in Musanze, it was revealed that people who won the tender to build a milk diary in Cyanika sector in Burere district have never set the construction off for two months yet its part of the performance contracts.

Samuel Sembagare, mayor for Burera district confirmed that ECOMEBA enterprise signed a contract with Rwanda Agriculture Board (RAB) to build a milk diary.

ECOMEBA had promised the completion to take six months from January 2012 yet the building is half way.

Aloys Karamage, who represented ECOMEBA in the meeting, revealed that the delay is the result of RAB which did not pay them on time as expected.

Karamage adds that the next move to fit windows and doors will be done soon.

Aimé Bosenibamwe, Governor for Northern Province asked RAB to meet with the district officials and entrepreneurs so that the diary completion issue is worked on according to the performance contracts.

During the meeting, it was decided that all districts in Northern Province will have been implemented by May 30th 2012.

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