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Rwandans Prepare for Crucial Elections Amidst Tensions

President Paul Kagame

As Rwanda gears up for its pivotal elections on July 15, the political landscape is abuzz with activity. The National Electoral Commission has announced the final list of candidates for both the presidential and parliamentary elections, setting the stage for a highly anticipated political showdown.

In the presidential race, incumbent President Paul Kagame, who has led the country for 23 years and helms the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), will be challenged by two contenders. Frank Habineza, leader of the opposition Democratic Green Party of Rwanda, and Philippe Mpayimana, an independent candidate, are both vying to unseat Kagame. This election marks Habineza’s second attempt at the presidency, following his 2017 bid where he secured less than 2% of the vote.

Despite the presence of nine candidates who submitted their candidacy, the race has boiled down to these three key figures. Kagame’s dominance in past elections is notable, having secured over 90% of the vote in 2003, 2010, and 2017. His extended tenure and significant electoral victories have drawn both support and criticism. While his supporters commend him for the country’s economic growth and stability, critics and human rights organizations accuse him of maintaining power through a climate of fear, stifling dissent, and free speech.

The electoral process will also see over 500 candidates competing for parliamentary seats, reflecting the vibrant yet tense political environment. The Liberal Party (PL) and the Social Democratic Party (PSD) recently endorsed Kagame, joining a coalition of four smaller parties already aligned with the RPF. This consolidation of support further strengthens Kagame’s position but also raises questions about the breadth of genuine political competition.

As the election date approaches, Rwandans and international observers alike are closely monitoring the developments. The outcomes will not only determine the country’s leadership but also its political direction in the coming years. With tensions high and stakes even higher, the world watches as Rwanda embarks on this critical democratic exercise.

UK Government Delays Asylum Seeker Flights to Rwanda Amid Legal Challenges


The UK government’s controversial plan to send some asylum seekers to Rwanda has been delayed, with the first flights now not expected until at least July 24. This decision, confirmed by lawyers for the Home Secretary in the High Court today, casts further doubt on the timetable for the policy, which is facing significant legal challenges and political scrutiny.

Legal Delays and Political Context

During a vital timetabling hearing, lawyers informed Mr Justice Chamberlain, a senior judge overseeing challenges to government policies, that no flights would occur before July 24. This delay comes nearly three weeks after the general election on July 4. The timing of the flights is critical as it intersects with the political landscape, with the Rwanda policy remaining in operation only if Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is re-elected.

Justice Chamberlain has been pressing for clarity on the flight schedule, noting that government lawyers had repeatedly changed the proposed date despite the Prime Minister’s public statements that flights would not commence until after polling day. The barrister for the Home Office initially stated the earliest possible flight date as July 23 but revised it to July 24 after receiving an “operational update” from department officials during the hearing.

Judicial and Public Interest

Justice Chamberlain emphasized the public interest in resolving these legal issues before the first possible flight date. He stated, “There is a public interest in the determination of these issues… before the earliest date on which flights may be.”

The court also indicated that additional claims challenging the Rwanda policy could emerge in the coming weeks. Specialist immigration courts have so far released at least 24 individuals who had been detained since April for the first planned flight to Rwanda, and more bail applications are expected.

Legal Challenges Ahead

At least 20 individuals have already initiated substantial legal challenges against the Rwanda plan, with any one of these cases potentially reaching the Supreme Court. In one case, Mr Justice Chamberlain set a timetable for a man who arrived in the UK in May 2022, claiming he had been tortured in Sudan. His case is scheduled for a major hearing in the coming weeks, and other migrants may join this case with similar challenges.

Furthermore, the FDA union, representing senior government officials, is separately seeking a judicial ruling on whether the relocation scheme forces civil servants to break the law.

Political Reactions and Criticisms

The Rwanda policy has been a point of contention between political parties. The Conservative government argues that it is essential to deter small boat crossings of the English Channel and combat people smuggling. In contrast, opposition parties have heavily criticized the policy.

Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer has pledged to scrap the scheme immediately if elected, labeling it an “expensive gimmick.” Similarly, the Liberal Democrats have called the Rwanda plan a “failing policy” and vowed to end it. Other parties, including the SNP, the Green Party, and Plaid Cymru, have also voiced strong opposition.

Richard Tice, the former leader of Reform UK, has defended the policy, stating in April that “pick up and take back” is the “only policy that will stop the boats.” This statement highlights the divided opinions on how best to handle asylum seekers and immigration.

Future Implications

The delay in implementing the Rwanda policy reflects the broader challenges the UK government faces in its immigration strategy. The high-profile nature of the legal and political battles surrounding the policy underscores the complexity and contentiousness of asylum and immigration issues in the UK.

As the court cases progress and the political landscape evolves, the future of the Rwanda plan remains uncertain. The upcoming general election will play a crucial role in determining whether the policy will proceed or be scrapped by a new administration.

The UK government’s plan to relocate some asylum seekers to Rwanda is currently in limbo due to legal challenges and political uncertainty. With the first flights delayed until at least July 24, the policy’s fate hinges on the outcome of ongoing court cases and the upcoming general election. The controversy surrounding the Rwanda scheme highlights the deep divisions and complexities in addressing asylum and immigration issues in the UK.

Rwanda: A Nation Misunderstood by Western Media

President Paul Kagame

A Surge of Negative Coverage

In recent weeks, European newspapers and television channels have been inundated with negative stories about Rwanda and its government. This surge in critical coverage stems from an international reporting consortium comprising 17 media outlets, including Germany’s Der Spiegel, Britain’s Guardian, and France’s Le Monde. Collectively named “Rwanda Classified,” these reports uniformly portray Rwanda as a repressive nation where fear prevails, journalists and opposition figures are silenced or killed, and democracy is a facade.

A Familiar Narrative

This narrative, although distant from the reality on the ground, is not new to Rwandans. Similar stories aimed at highlighting the so-called “dark side” of Rwanda frequently appear in Western media, particularly around significant dates on the Rwandan calendar, such as April 7, the commencement of the 100-day commemoration of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi.

As Rwanda commemorates the 30th anniversary of this genocide and approaches crucial presidential and parliamentary elections, the timing of this intensified scrutiny by Western media is not coincidental.

Surprising Intensity of Criticism

What is surprising, however, is the sheer volume and intensity of the current wave of attacks on Rwanda. Despite numerous global crises, from bloody conflicts and a worldwide cost-of-living crisis to the escalating threat of climate change, leading Western news organizations have dedicated extensive coverage to criticizing Rwanda.

Most troubling is that these reports predominantly rely on testimonies from Rwandans in exile, including known genocide enablers, deniers, and perpetrators with clear personal and political motives to demonize the current government.

Denying Rwanda’s Progress

It seems there is a concerted effort in the West to deny the reality of Rwanda’s remarkable post-genocide recovery. The narrative being pushed suggests that President Paul Kagame, expected to win the upcoming election comfortably, is a ruthless despot without popular support.

This depiction ignores the significant progress Rwanda has made under Kagame’s leadership, transforming from a nation devastated by genocide to one of Africa’s most stable and promising countries.

Invitation to See the Truth

Contrary to the negative portrayal, Rwanda has been actively inviting the world to “#VisitRwanda” and witness its progress firsthand. The country’s relaxed visa and settlement policies, coupled with the Rwanda Development Board’s (RDB) efforts, have made it a global destination for tourism and business. Would a nation with so much to hide strive so hard to attract foreign visitors and residents? The answer is a resounding no.

Rwanda’s Success Story

Rwanda’s story is one of Africa’s most impressive success stories. Just 30 years after experiencing one of history’s worst mass slaughters, it has emerged as a dynamic democracy with a hopeful outlook.

The country boasts one of the continent’s most stable environments, attracting thousands of tourists, businesspeople, and world leaders annually. It has hosted major sports competitions, tech and investment summits, and is home to prestigious international educational institutions such as Carnegie Mellon University – Africa and the University of Global Health Equity.

Under Kagame’s Leadership

Under President Kagame’s leadership, Rwanda has rebuilt itself into a land of business, investment, and opportunity. It functions as a well-organized welfare state with universal healthcare, education, and heavily subsidized housing. The country retains its best and brightest while attracting international talent.

The World Economic Forum ranked Rwanda first among African countries for retaining top talent. Today, Rwanda has over 1,000 dollar millionaires, with projections from British investment consultancy Henley and Partners expecting this number to increase by 80 percent in the next decade.

Western Media’s Bias

The Western media’s efforts to paint Rwanda as a repressive and hostile country will ultimately fail, especially as more people visit and see the truth for themselves. The biased critical reports will not sway Rwandans against President Kagame, who has been democratically elected twice with over 90 percent of the vote and is expected to win again. The Western media’s “hit jobs” only bolster Kagame’s popularity in Rwanda and across Africa.

Rwanda’s Independent Path

Western media targets Rwanda because it struggles to accept that this small African nation, which has overcome immense horrors, has found peace, democracy, and stability on its own terms. Rwanda refuses to reshape itself in the West’s image or to its liking, a stance that will only strengthen its unity and resolve.

In conclusion, Rwanda’s story is one of resilience and remarkable progress, despite the persistent negative portrayal by Western media. The country continues to forge its path, welcoming the world to witness its achievements and join in its journey toward a brighter future.

Source: Aljizeera 

Dona’s Unforgettable Gorilla Trekking Experience in Rwanda


Dona Douglas, our esteemed Director of Data and Donor Information at the Fossey Fund, embarked on a journey to Rwanda earlier this year, marking a significant moment in her six-year tenure with our organization. Her visit was not just a mere adventure but a profound encounter with Rwanda’s natural beauty and the Fossey Fund’s vital conservation efforts. Here, she shares her firsthand narrative of this life-altering expedition, which deepened her dedication to gorilla conservation.

The Journey: Anticipation and Arrival

The excitement was palpable as Dona eagerly awaited her trip to Rwanda. Despite a hiccup with Atlanta traffic almost causing her to miss her flight, she successfully made her way to Kigali alongside her colleagues. Landing in Kigali after a twenty-three-hour journey, Dona brimmed with anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead. After a much-needed meal at a local eatery and a restful night’s sleep, the true exploration commenced.

Exploring Rwanda’s History and Resilience

Dona’s journey began with a poignant visit to the Genocide Memorial in Kigali, where she gained profound insights into Rwanda’s tumultuous past. Witnessing the resilience of the Rwandan people in the face of unimaginable tragedy left an indelible mark on her. Despite the painful history, Dona was inspired by Rwanda’s collective efforts towards reconciliation and nation-building.

Venturing into the Heart of Rwanda’s Beauty

The scenic drive to Musanze offered Dona glimpses of Rwanda’s breathtaking landscapes. En route to Volcanoes National Park, where the Fossey Fund’s Ellen Campus is nestled, she marveled at the verdant hills and lush vegetation that characterize Rwanda’s countryside. The sight of majestic volcanoes looming in the distance heightened her anticipation for the adventures awaiting her.

Immersed in Conservation Efforts at Ellen Campus Dona’s visit to the Ellen Campus was a surreal experience, having been involved in its planning from afar. As she explored the campus, which houses essential facilities like the Education Center and Research Center, Dona felt a sense of pride in contributing to its development. Stepping into the Cindy Broder Conservation Gallery, she was transported back in time, breathing in the essence of Dian Fossey’s legacy.

Rwandan Culture and Craftsmanship

Dona’s immersion in Rwandan culture extended to a visit to Kinigi village, where she engaged with local artisans supported by the Fossey Fund. Donning traditional attire and sharing a meal with the community, she forged connections transcending cultural boundaries. Witnessing the artisans’ craftsmanship firsthand left Dona in awe of Rwanda’s rich heritage.

Empowering Communities Through Cooperative Initiatives

A highlight of Dona’s journey was witnessing the transformative impact of community initiatives supported by the Fossey Fund. Visiting a cooperative involved in mushroom cultivation, she witnessed firsthand the tangible benefits of sustainable livelihood projects. Dona’s heart swelled with pride as she listened to community members share their success stories.

Encounter with Mountain Gorillas

The pinnacle of Dona’s Rwanda Visit was undoubtedly her encounter with the mountain gorillas. Guided by experienced trackers, she embarked on a trek through the dense forest in search of these magnificent creatures. Amidst challenging terrain, Dona’s awe only deepened as she came face to face with the gentle giants in their natural habitat. The profound connection forged in that moment affirmed Dona’s unwavering commitment to gorilla conservation.

Reflecting on her journey, Dona acknowledges that words alone cannot capture the depth of emotions stirred by her Rwandan adventure. Yet, her experience reaffirmed her role as a conservationist and the vital importance of the Fossey Fund’s mission in safeguarding Rwanda’s precious wildlife heritage.

Rwanda Receives Its First Asylum Seeker From UK


The UK has implemented a novel voluntary scheme offering monetary incentives to failed asylum seekers willing to relocate abroad, with the first migrant sent to Rwanda. This individual, whose identity remains undisclosed, hails from an African nation other than Rwanda and had their asylum claim dismissed towards the end of 2023. Notably, this initiative operates independently from the government’s broader deportation strategy.

Simultaneously, an IT mishap has led to a significant number of migrants not receiving notifications regarding the outcomes of their claims, resulting in an abrupt cessation of their allowances. These developments unfold against the backdrop of impending local and mayoral elections, wherein the Conservative Party anticipates considerable losses. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is positioning the Rwanda expulsions plan as evidence of the government’s efficacy in managing migration, particularly to bolster electoral support.

Opposition parties have condemned the move as a cynical ploy to gain favor before the elections. Despite the legislative framework being in place for deportation to Rwanda, actual deportation flights are yet to commence. The primary objective of such deportations is to dissuade migrants from undertaking perilous journeys across the English Channel. However, UK officials face logistical hurdles in locating failed asylum seekers earmarked for removal.

Moreover, concerns persist regarding governance and human rights in Rwanda, despite the country’s reputation for stability and modern infrastructure. President Paul Kagame has faced criticism for alleged suppression of dissent and curbing freedom of speech, raising questions about the ethical implications of deporting individuals to such a regime.


Tourism in Rwanda Vs Tourism in Uganda

Akagera Lions

Rwanda is currently more popular than Uganda. This is partly attributed to their aggressive marketing through a couple of European top football clubs including but not limited to PSG, Arsenal, and Bayern Munich.

Rwanda’s flagship tourism activity is gorilla trekking. This activity is possible for almost all types of travelers. Whether you are a couple, a solo traveler, or a group traveler, gorilla trekking is one of those activities that cut across regardless of your category. Some people opt for 4×4 car rentals to execute the gorilla safari by themselves while other often hire the services of licensed tour operators.

Regardless of how you choose to travel, you will have to first decide on where you are going. Whether you are choosing Uganda or Rwanda, the choice remains in your hands. But here are a few guiding thoughts to help you choose between Rwanda and Uganda.


Uganda and Rwanda’s activities can be classified in five categories. Savannah National Park activities, Boat trips, primate safaris, cultural safaris, and historical trips.

Primate Activities

Both countries offer gorilla trekking safaris and chimpanzee tracking trips. The main difference lies in prices. Rwanda’s gorilla trekking permit costs $1500 per permit while Uganda’s gorilla trekking permit costs $800 per person.

Regarding chimpanzee tracking, Uganda’s chimpanzee tracking permit goes for $300 while Rwanda’s chimpanzee permit will vary according to the time you intend to spend in the park but quite less than $300.

Therefore, if you wish to opt for a cheaper gorilla trekking option, then Uganda would be the best choice regarding primate safaris

Savannah Game Drives

Uganda has four major savannah national parks; Queen Elizabeth National Park, Kidepo Valley National Park, Murchison Falls National Park, and Lake Mburo National Park. None of these national parks has all the big five in one place.

On the contrary, Rwanda has only one Savannah National Park. That is Akagera National Park. It has all the big game. Therefore if you prefer a national park with all the big five, then Rwanda would be a better option.

Cultural Encounters

Tribal and cultural matters are very sensitive topics in Rwanda. It is hard to ask deep cultural questions without offending a few people. Unlike Rwanda which has chosen to bury its tribal past, Uganda still has a heritage of over 50 tribes.

If you wish to visit a more culturally diverse country, then Uganda is a better option. However, with the diversity, there is also a lot more corruption in Uganda than Rwanda.

Historical Trips

One of the most popular historical activities in Rwanda is the Genocide memorial. Even though Uganda has quite a similar history relating to the civil wars, it is not possible to do any historical tour unless you choose to visit the different re-established kingdoms.

Regarding history, Rwanda is more organized but Uganda has more to offer in terms of the history that rotates around the major kingdoms in the country. You will learn about the different cosmology stories inspired by the different kingdom heritages.

Boat Trips

The marine tourism industry in Uganda is still young compared to Rwanda. There is no major luxury cruise ship in Uganda yet Rwanda has just recently introduced one. Therefore, if you wish to have a memorable marine experience, Rwanda is a better destination.

But, it is also important to note that Uganda has a number of major historical water bodies thus setting it apart. These include but not limited to Lake Victoria (the biggest lake in Africa), River Nile (the longest river in Africa) among several other water bodies.


Rwanda has a better road network than Uganda. You will also find the streets of Rwanda cleaner than the streets of Uganda. Generally, Rwanda is better off in regard to transport. However, it is also important to note that it is not possible to rent a car in Rwanda and cross the border yet it is very possible to rent a car in Uganda and cross the border with it.


Rwanda has more international flights than Uganda. This implies that Rwanda is more accessible internationally than Uganda. It is also important to note that flying into Kigali makes it possible to easily connect to all the parks in Rwanda while in the case of Uganda, there is no national park that is within a 3 hours drive from the airport.





UK Minister Sparks Controversy Over Comments on Rwanda and DR Congo


The Secretary of State for the United Kingdom Government, Chris Philp, ignited a debate during a recent BBC Question Time session by making remarks that appeared to conflate Rwanda with the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

During the televised session where UK government officials field questions from the public, a British citizen originally from the DRC raised concerns about a new UK government law regarding the deportation of individuals back to Rwanda, including those seeking asylum.

In response, Minister Philp, who oversees policing matters, seemingly questioned whether Rwanda and the DRC are distinct countries, prompting some confusion among viewers. His interlocutor later clarified that Philp’s query appeared to be rhetorical.

The discussion centered on a proposed UK law concerning Rwanda, which has advanced to its second reading. The legislation suggests that individuals seeking asylum in the UK could potentially be returned to Rwanda, provided they originate from a country with direct flights to the UK.

The exchange brought attention to the ongoing conflict between Rwanda and the DRC, with the attendee from the DRC mentioning recent border tensions and accusing Rwanda of supporting rebel groups, an allegation the Rwandan government denies.

Philp’s comments drew reactions from various political figures, with Wes Streeting, a Labour politician, expressing skepticism, and Sarah Olney, a Liberal Democrat, criticizing the government’s handling of the situation.

Following the session, Philp clarified his remarks, emphasizing that individuals facing questioning would not necessarily be sent back to Rwanda. The UK Government Ministry assured that each case would be reviewed individually, with individuals at risk spared from deportation to Rwanda.

Meanwhile, Rwanda’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Vincent Biruta, reiterated Rwanda’s commitment to supporting individuals fleeing conflict, including those from neighboring countries like the DRC, Burundi, Uganda, or Tanzania, who may seek asylum in Rwanda.

Philp’s comments have sparked debate over UK immigration policies and raised concerns about the treatment of asylum seekers from conflict-afflicted regions.

Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act Upheld by Constitutional Court, Sparks International Backlash


Uganda’s Constitutional Court decision to uphold the Anti-Homosexuality Act has reignited global condemnation and renewed calls for LGBTQ+ rights and protections.

The ruling, issued on April 3, upheld key provisions of the law, including harsh penalties for consensual same-sex relationships, ranging from lengthy prison sentences to the death penalty. While some sections of the law were struck down, critics argue that its retention sends a chilling message to LGBTQ+ individuals and emboldens discrimination and violence.

International reactions have been swift and decisive. The United States, a major donor to Uganda, has moved to suspend trade benefits under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and impose visa restrictions on officials implicated in human rights abuses.

European allies have also expressed concern, redirecting aid towards civil society organizations advocating for LGBTQ+ rights and distancing themselves from the Ugandan government. These actions underscore the growing consensus among Western nations against laws that infringe upon basic human rights and freedoms.

Uganda’s anti-homosexuality legislation is deeply intertwined with domestic politics, with politicians leveraging cultural and religious rhetoric to bolster support. Speaker Anita Annet Among’s recent invocation of the law amidst corruption allegations underscores its symbolic importance in Ugandan political discourse.

However, critics argue that the focus on anti-LGBTQ+ legislation serves as a distraction from pressing issues such as governance and economic development. Medical anthropologist Stella Nyanzi and lawyer Andrew Karamagi have highlighted the political opportunism surrounding the law, suggesting that it diverts attention from systemic challenges facing Ugandan society.

As Uganda grapples with the fallout from the court’s decision, the international community remains vigilant, urging the government to respect human rights and protect marginalized communities. The ruling has reignited debates over sovereignty, democracy, and the role of foreign influence in shaping domestic policies, highlighting the complex interplay between local dynamics and global norms.

Beginner’s Guide to Hiring a Car in Uganda and Rwanda


Renting a car in Uganda and Rwanda is relatively easy. The industry is very well developed and thanks to that we have many choices. We only rent cars online, we have then a guarantee of the best price. Do you have any idea how first-time car rental works? If not relax, here is the best guide if you want to know more about beginner’s car hire.

Embracing the Journey of First-Time Car Rental

Embarking on your journey of first car rental can be both thrilling and a frightening. It’s an upper hand that promises freedom and flexibility, especially for travelers willing to explore at their own pace. However, for beginners, navigating in Uganda and Rwanda on a self-drive safari of car rentals can seem enormous.

In addition to that, understanding the basics of car rental is influential. This helps you make informed decisions, avoid common pitfalls, and ensure a smooth experience. This guide is your roadmap to confidently stepping into the world of hiring a car, equipped with the knowledge to make your first journey a memorable one.

Preparing for Your First Car Rental

When planning your first-time car rental in Uganda and Rwanda, several key factors come into play. It’s not just about picking any car; it’s about finding the right fit for your needs and budget. We can break it down:

Evaluate your needs and budget

Initially, consider why you’re renting the car. Is it for a leisurely road trip or a business engagement? This will guide your choice of vehicle. Next, think about your budget. Remember, the cost of renting goes beyond the price tag of the car because it includes fuel, insurance, and possible additional fees.

Understanding Rental Duration and Documentation

The length of your rental is the key. Different duration, from a few days to a week or more, can significantly impact the cost. Be sure to have the required documentation needed, typically a driver’s license ready.

Checklist for Car Rental Preparation

Factor in rental, fuel, insurance, and extra fees.

Choose the car based on trip purpose (e.g., road trip, business).

Rental Duration Decide between daily, weekly, or longer rentals.

Documentation, you must have your driver’s license and credit card at hand.

Understanding Car Rental Requirements and Costs

Commencing on your first car rental adventure comes with its set of rules and costs. It’s not just about picking the keys and hitting the road no, there are age requirements, necessary documents, and varying rental rates to consider.

Age Requirements and Documentation

Most car rental companies have a minimum age requirement, typically 25 years. But for younger drivers, there might be additional charges or insurance requirements. Though equally the most important are the documents you need to present: a valid driver’s license is mandatory.

Rental Rates

The cost of renting a car in Uganda and Rwanda depends on multiple factors such as the car’s size, rental duration, and the renter’s age. In recent years, the car rental industry has witnessed fluctuations in pricing due to various external factors. We have cars ranging from $45, $50, $60, $70, $80, $90, to $200 USD. Plus we do also offer camping gear for hire in Uganda and Rwanda for clients wishing to go on camping trips. The camping gear set includes safari tents, sleeper bags, cooking gas, kitchen utensils, tables, chairs, torches, lantern lamp to mention but a few all available for as low as US$ 10 per day.

Choosing the Right Car and Understanding Rental Agreements

Choosing the right car for your rental needs involves balancing comfort, budget, and practicality. Each vehicle class offers unique benefits catering to different travel requirements.

Selecting Car Size and Vehicle Class

Economy: Example: Toyota Rav4, Premio,

Intermediate: Example: Toyota Land Cruiser Prado, Toyota Hilux, and Nissan Patrol.

Luxury: Example: Safari Land Cruiser, Coaster bus, Safar Van,

Understanding Rental Contracts

One-Way Contract: This is ideal for traveling from one city to another without returning to the starting point.

 Round Trip Contract: This is best for trips where you return to your initial location.

International Contract: This also suitable for driving across country borders, but requires awareness of different driving laws and insurance needs.

The Car Rental Process – Step by Step

Going on a car rental journey in Uganda and Rwanda can be straightforward and hassle-free when you have the right guidance from your rental company.

Research and Compare different car rental companies. Compare prices, vehicle availability, and customer reviews.

Choose the Right Car: Consider factors like fuel efficiency, space, and budget.

Book your Car: You can do this online or over the phone. Remember to check for any discounts or deals.

Understand the Terms carefully, read and understand the rental agreement, including policies on mileage, fuel, and insurance.

Pick-up Process: Arrive at the rental location, present your documents (license, credit card), and complete any remaining paperwork.

Inspect the car before driving off, inspect the car for any existing damage and ensure it matches the description in your agreement.

Enjoy your ride and drive safely and enjoy your journey, bond to all the rental policies and traffic rules.

Return the Car at the agreed time and location. Inspect the car with to ensure everything is in order.

Kendrick Lamar Makes a Grand Entrance in Kigali for #MoveAfrica Concert


Renowned rapper Kendrick Lamar often hailed as King Kendrick, has graced Kigali with his presence for a momentous performance at the BK Arena as part of the highly anticipated #MoveAfrica concert. This musical extravaganza aims to unite music aficionados and features other acclaimed artists like Rwanda’s own Bruce Melodie and Ariel Wayz, alongside Tanzania’s Zuchu.

Lamar, a Compton native, has carved an illustrious career in the rap industry over 16 years, ascending from humble beginnings to become a towering figure in the genre. His exceptional talent and innovative creativity have garnered him widespread recognition and a multitude of accolades, including several prestigious Grammy Awards.

The rapper’s musical journey is highlighted by a string of chart-topping hits like “Control,” where he showcased his prowess by referencing luminaries such as Drake and J.Cole. His evolution over the years has seen him solidify his position as one of the most influential rappers of his generation, earning him respect and admiration across the globe.

Collaborations with industry giants like Dr. Dre’s Aftermath Entertainment and Anthony “Top Dawg” Tiffith have been pivotal in shaping Lamar’s career trajectory. His association with Aftermath Entertainment, initiated by the discerning eye of Dr. Dre, paved the way for his remarkable success.

Having released an impressive array of musical offerings, including five studio albums and numerous hit tracks, Lamar’s impact transcends mere commercial success. Songs like “HUMBLE” have not only topped music charts but also resonated deeply with audiences worldwide.

Beyond his musical prowess, Lamar’s invitation to perform at esteemed events like the Super Bowl halftime show underscores his far-reaching influence in the industry. Despite his stardom, the rapper maintains a private life, sharing a long-standing relationship with fiancée Whitney Alford, with whom he has two children, Uzi and Enoch.

Kendrick Lamar’s visit to Kigali signifies a monumental occasion for music lovers, spotlighting the extraordinary talent and enduring legacy of this iconic rapper on a global stage.